11th February, 2025
Hi friends! Welcome to my new & improved photography website!
Allow me to give you a micro tour. Please keep your legs and arms inside the carriage at all times. If you look up, you might see this big menu thing. If you were to click through each menu item, you’d find a fun range of content. There are a million galleries of my past work, information about booking me for more work, and a relatively empty blog page, for starters. The site isn’t perfect, and there are some minor wrinkles to iron out, but it exists, and it’s usable at long (long, long, long) last!
If, by chance, you were around at the conception of Neesh Photography back in 2016, you know that initially, I set up a blog as a place to rant and rave, babble on about whatever nonsense I thought was important at 15 years old. Mostly, it was just a bit of fun. Admittedly, there was not a heap of photography content on the original website, despite its name suggesting otherwise.
As teenage hobbies often do, my interest in the blog waned after about 18 months. Fast forward to my first year of University in 2020, where my courses required me to set up a blog. I made a shitty little wordpress.com site to hold me over until later that year; I had time to excavate what was Neesh Photography and refurbish it.
I started fresh in design, writing more legitimate content with specific goals, and changing its name to ‘Tyneesha.com’. You can read my relaunch post for that site here if (for some reason) you’re particularly invested in the history of my online presence. Anyway, I revamped my blog and am rather proud of it, but I didn’t forget about Neesh Photography. She just took a while longer to grow up.
I’ve loved taking pictures for as long as I can remember, and it’s always been fun for me. I received a Nintendo DSi (with the camera built-in) for Christmas one year as a kid, and I’ve been annoyingly documenting things ever since. Unfortunately, though, you can’t be driven by fun alone at a certain point. Much to my dissatisfaction and surprise, you must do boring things like paying bills and grocery shopping.
They say, “do something you love, and you won’t work a day in your life”. Indeed, it seems the best way to cheat the unending capitalist dread and the ever-allusive “work-life balance” is to monetise your hobbies. So that is, in part, what I’m doing here. In full cadence, I resent my retail job. It is unrewarding both spiritually and monetarily, and it would give me great pleasure to move on to doing something I enjoy. Hopefully, my commitment to this business will allow me to do so.
So then, what’s all this about?
You might think, Tyneesha, why do people need photographers in 2022? We all have decent cameras on our phones; even my nan can click the shutter button and get good photos of the grandkids! To that, I say, fair point. I’m sure your nanna is a fantastic photographer. Yes, the field is oversaturated and undervalued in some ways, but there are still holes in the market for me to fill.
So, as I’m sure you’ve noticed, this website serves to position my photography as a business. I’ve done paid photography gigs here and there since I was about 15, but now I have a portfolio, a booking form and a high school certificate. All of which equip me to take myself a bit more seriously. If you please, you can hire me to take whichever photos you require. I promise you can trust me; I’ve got a considerable base of experience for someone my age. Where my experience doesn’t back me up, my ability for fast learning, adaptability and sheer willingness to try does.
I will also be writing some blog content for this site. I don’t write about photography much, and I’d like to change that. I think it’ll consolidate my skillset, and, best case scenario, it could help someone else out. But I’ll try to keep it interesting. I struggle to write photography-based articles because I could not be less interested in regurgitating “the ten easy Lightroom editing tips that you NEED to know”,; and if I’m honest, while necessary, I find most technical jargon boring. But that’s just it. The monotony of the photography sphere leaves room for ‘niche’ photography. There’s a lot left to talk about and a lot left to do.
So, feel free to mosy about the site, follow the socials, share it with your friends and family, and compare my photos to your nan’s brilliant iPhone work… whatever tickles your fancy. If there’s anything I can do for you, the booking button is everywhere, so don’t be shy. I decided to be friendly & fancy, so the first 10 bookings are 50% off using the code ‘NIFTY-FIFTY’. Thank you for all the love and support! Bye!